Pregnancy Fitness DVD Fitness During Pregnancy, Do You Understand Enough About It

Click Here for Pregnancy Fitness DVD Fitness During Pregnancy,  Do You Understand Enough About It

So, you are comtemplating the purchase of a pregnancy fitness DVD, congratulations, not too many expectant mothers know about fitness during pregnancy. A pregnancy fitness DVD may be right for you but have you looked at any alternatives? Have you considered the advantages that a well-structured exercise program could have for you?

Pregnancy, how does fitness affect it? Well, studies have proven that safe exercises for pregnant women make for significantly better physical health for both mother and child in many ways. For example:

* You can keep your weight gain under control

* Avoid various complications from obesity

* Experience an easier labor

* Get your figure back more quickly after delivery

These benefits are all well and good. The trick is in understanding the dos and don'ts of fitness during pregnancy even before buying the pregnancy fitness DVD. Keep in mind that too little knowledge can be dangerous for you and your baby especially where additional stress like exercise is placed on your body.


This is an absolute MUST, you should not undergo any pre-natal exercise program without consulting your doctor or your family's health care provider. Although exercise generally is good for your body and your overall well-being, not all pregnant women are up to it, or at least not to the same degree.

For example, some mothers may be advised to take it easy and get bed rest if they have a very delicate pregnancy or high blood pressure.

But it's all a question of intensity, pregnancy fitness DVDs are usually aimed at a general market, maybe you need something you can tailor to your needs, after all you are not entering the pregnancy Olympics. Find out about low impact pregnancy 'friendly exercises by clicking on the link in the resource box below.

Safety First and Always for your little bundle of love.

Even if your doctor has given you the OK to start exercise, you should always bear in mind the number one rule of fitness during pregnancy - safety first and safety always.

You can avoid putting you and your baby at unnecessary risk by ensuring you don't overextend your limits. So remember the following tips:

Healthy Pregnancy Tips #1

This is important for any exercise but especially while you are pregnant. Before going into the main exercise movements always gently stretch your muscles and warm up slowly. Checkout the contents of any pregnancy fitness DVD you are considerng buying, does it have warm-up and cool down exercises, does it have exercises of different intensity?

Healthy Pregnancy Tips #2

Modify your activities to suit your condition. Even if you think that you can run a marathon, maybe your baby can't. If at any time exercise causes you to be breathless, excessively tired or causes you pain, stop straight away, your body is giving you a message to take it easier.

Healthy Pregnancy Tips #3

Avoid jerking, jarring and twisting movements that place additional stress on your abdomen as well as your joints and other load-bearing body parts, you don't want to lose your balance. If you want fitness during pregnancy don't be in too much of a hurry, little and often works for most moms. Walking is a great exercise for most pregnant moms, it gets you outdoors in the fresh air but it's a bit difficult to do while watching a pregnancy fitness DVD.

Are you ready to launch your self and your little one into an exercise program? Still want to buy a pregnancy fitness DVD? Or do you need to know more about fitness during pregnancy first?


There is so much more to fitness during pregnancy than just exercise, for example our Healthy Pregnancy Tips. To learn more and see our FIFTY simple, yet extremely effective "pregnancy-friendly" exercises and stretches to keep you and your body looking and feeling GREAT (includes 3 different fitness programs depending on YOUR fitness level)! visit

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