Hair Loss After Pregnancy Advice and Information

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If you are pregnant or have just given birth, hair loss after pregnancy is a concern to many women. However, like most changes during pregnancy, it is a temporary problem you will face. And there is no need to worry that you are a lone ranger because 40% to 50% of pregnant women face hair loss problems.

Hair loss connected to pregnancy usually occurs after delivery and is most common three months after. The reason for this is because during pregnancy the rise in hormones keeps you from losing your hair. But after delivery, the hormones return to normal levels allowing the hair to fall out and return to the normal cycle.

Every three to four months, it is normal for hair in a resting phase to fall out allowing new hair to grow in. During pregnancy, there is a delay in the resting phase. Once the hormones return to normal levels, the hair loss delayed because of pregnancy all fall out at once. Although your hair loss will return to normal levels after about 6 to 12 months, there are things you can do to prevent hair loss after pregnancy.

There are many things that can trigger hair loss, including any kinds of changes in your body according to the estrogen hormone balance. One of the first things you want to do is consult your health care provider or doctor. This will allow you to ensure a proper balance of hormones and ask for advice and any kinds of prescriptions they can provide you with.

Next, the kinds of hairstyles you normally would wear may need to be avoided. Although it may be a pain, avoiding pigtails, cornrows, hair weaves, and braids could save you from losing a lot of hair. The reason having these hairstyles can promote hair loss is because this can pull your hair and put stress on it.

When washing your hair, it is vital that you use shampoos and conditioners that contain biotin and silica. As your hair becomes wet, be as gentle as possible during your shower and after. This is because hair is fragile when it is wet, so try to avoid fine tooth combs and being rough with it while blow drying your hair. And if you absolutely have to use a blow dryer, use it on a cool setting.

While it is important to take care of your hair, taking care of your health can be just as important. Eating a healthy diet that is high in fruits and vegetables containing antioxidants can be great for your hair. This will help provide protection for your hair follicles and promote hair growth. Some of the supplements you should include in your diet include Vitamin B complex, Biotin, Vitamin C and Zinc.

For some, preventing hair loss after pregnancy completely is just not possible. But you can reduce the amount lost after pregnancy by applying some or all of the methods listed above.

Read further articles by John Tulley at the: Hair loss directory and download a free copy of the new e-book, the Hair Loss Treatments Report.

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